Prince2 vs. IPMA

16. Februar 2023

When it comes to project management, there are many different frameworks and methodologies to choose from. Two of the most popular are Prince2 and IPMA. While they may seem similar on the surface, there are some key differences between the two. In this blog post, we’ll explore the similarities and differences between Prince2 and IPMA to help you determine which framework is best for your next project.

What is Prince2?

Prince2 (which stands for „Projects IN Controlled Environments“) is a project management framework that was developed in the UK in the 1990s. It is a process-based methodology that is designed to be adaptable to a wide range of project types and sizes.

Prince2 is characterized by:

  • A focus on clearly defining roles and responsibilities
  • A strong emphasis on project planning and control
  • A flexible approach that can be tailored to the needs of individual projects

What is IPMA?

IPMA (which stands for „International Project Management Association“) is a global organization that offers a range of project management certifications. The IPMA also has its own project management framework, which is designed to be adaptable to a wide range of project types and sizes.

IPMA is characterized by:

  • A focus on people and teams as the key drivers of project success
  • A strong emphasis on communication and stakeholder management
  • A flexible approach that can be tailored to the needs of individual projects

How do Prince2 and IPMA compare?

While both Prince2 and IPMA share some similarities, there are some key differences between the two frameworks. Here are some of the main points of comparison:


Prince2 is a process-based methodology that emphasizes project planning and control. It provides a clear structure for how projects should be executed, with a focus on defining roles and responsibilities, managing risks, and controlling quality.

IPMA, on the other hand, is more focused on the people and teams involved in the project. It emphasizes the importance of communication, stakeholder management, and leadership, with a goal of creating a collaborative and supportive project environment.


Both Prince2 and IPMA offer project management certifications. However, the certifications are structured differently.

Prince2 certifications are structured around different levels of proficiency, ranging from Foundation to Practitioner to Professional. Each level requires passing an exam that tests knowledge of the Prince2 framework and its application to real-world projects.

IPMA certifications, on the other hand, are structured around a set of competencies that project managers should possess. The certifications are awarded based on an assessment of the candidate’s performance against these competencies.


Both Prince2 and IPMA are designed to be adaptable to a wide range of project types and sizes. However, they differ in their approach to flexibility.

Prince2 is flexible in that it allows for tailoring of the framework to meet the needs of individual projects. However, the basic structure and processes of the framework remain the same.

IPMA, on the other hand, is more flexible in that it encourages project managers to use their own judgement and creativity to adapt the framework to their specific project. This means that the framework may look very different from one project to the next.

Which framework is best?

Ultimately, the choice between Prince2 and IPMA comes down to the specific needs of your project and your organization. Here are some key factors to consider:

  • If your project involves a high degree of complexity and risk, Prince2 may be the better choice, as it provides a clear structure for managing these challenges.
  • If your project involves a large number of stakeholders and requires strong leadership and communication skills, IPMA may be the better choice, as it emphasizes these aspects of project management.
  • If you value a high degree of standardization and want a certification that is recognized globally, Prince2 may be the better choice, as it has a well-established certification program.
  • If you prefer a more flexible and adaptable approach to project management, IPMA may be the better choice, as it encourages project managers to use their own judgement and creativity to tailor the framework to their specific needs.

Ultimately, both Prince2 and IPMA are effective project management frameworks that can help you deliver successful projects. The choice between them comes down to the specific needs of your project and your organization. By carefully considering these factors, you can make an informed decision and choose the framework that is best for you.

Prince2 example

Imagine you are managing a large software development project. Here’s how you might apply Prince2 to this project:

  • Define the project’s objectives and scope, as well as the roles and responsibilities of each team member.
  • Develop a detailed project plan that outlines the tasks that need to be completed, the resources that will be required, and the timelines for each deliverable.
  • Use risk management techniques to identify and mitigate potential risks to the project, such as unexpected delays or budget overruns.
  • Establish a quality control process to ensure that the software is tested thoroughly and meets the needs of end users.
  • Regularly review the project plan and adjust it as necessary to ensure that the project stays on track and delivers the desired outcomes.

IPMA example

Now imagine that you are managing a project to launch a new product. Here’s how you might apply IPMA to this project:

  • Build a collaborative and supportive project environment by involving team members in decision-making and empowering them to take ownership of their work.
  • Use effective communication techniques to keep stakeholders informed and engaged throughout the project. This might involve regular progress updates, feedback sessions, and collaboration tools to facilitate remote work.
  • Emphasize the importance of leadership and team development by providing training and coaching to team members, and creating opportunities for them to learn and grow.
  • Foster a culture of innovation by encouraging team members to think creatively and try new approaches to solve problems.
  • Focus on delivering value to customers by prioritizing their needs and feedback throughout the project.

Both Prince2 and IPMA can be effective in different project contexts. The key is to understand the needs of your project and organization, and to choose the framework that best aligns with those needs.

Certification is an important aspect of project management, as it demonstrates an individual’s proficiency in a particular project management framework or methodology. In the case of Prince2 and IPMA, certifications are offered at different levels, with each level building on the previous one to demonstrate increasing levels of knowledge, skills, and experience. Certification can be a valuable asset for project managers, as it provides a recognized standard of competence and can help to enhance career opportunities and earning potential.

Prince2 certification levels

Prince2 offers three levels of certification:


The Foundation level certification is the first step in the Prince2 certification process. It covers the basic principles of the Prince2 methodology, as well as the themes, processes, and techniques used in the framework. The exam for the Foundation level certification is a multiple-choice test and does not require any prerequisites.


The Practitioner level certification builds on the Foundation level and requires a more advanced understanding of the Prince2 methodology. It covers how to apply the Prince2 framework to real-world projects, as well as how to tailor the framework to meet the specific needs of a project. The exam for the Practitioner level certification is more complex, requiring candidates to apply the Prince2 methodology to a given scenario. To be eligible for the Practitioner level certification, candidates must first pass the Foundation level certification.


The Professional level certification is the highest level of Prince2 certification. It is designed for experienced project managers who have demonstrated a deep understanding of the Prince2 methodology and have successfully applied it to real-world projects. To be eligible for the Professional level certification, candidates must first hold the Practitioner level certification and have at least three years of project management experience.

IPMA certification levels

IPMA offers four levels of certification:

Level D

The Level D certification is the entry-level certification offered by IPMA. It covers the basic principles of project management, as well as the competencies required for successful project management. The exam for the Level D certification is a multiple-choice test and does not require any prerequisites.

Level C

The Level C certification requires a more advanced understanding of project management and focuses on the application of project management techniques to real-world projects. The exam for the Level C certification requires candidates to apply their knowledge and skills to a given scenario. To be eligible for the Level C certification, candidates must first hold the Level D certification.

Level B

The Level B certification is designed for experienced project managers who have demonstrated a deep understanding of project management principles and have successfully applied them to real-world projects. To be eligible for the Level B certification, candidates must first hold the Level C certification and have at least three years of project management experience.

Level A

The Level A certification is the highest level of IPMA certification. It is designed for senior project managers aka. program managers who have demonstrated exceptional knowledge and skills in project management, as well as the ability to lead and manage complex projects. To be eligible for the Level A certification, candidates must first hold the Level B certification and have at least five years of project management or program management experience. Level A holders don’t work in operational roles; they work in more strategic roles

Each of these certification levels represents a different level of proficiency in project management and demonstrates a candidate’s ability to successfully apply project management principles and techniques to real-world projects.


  • Prince2 vs. IPMA: © istockphoto Doucefleur